I was visiting Barb over at
A Chelsea Morning and decided to participate in her Homemaking Meme.
Aprons - Y/N? I have a couple of them. One is dark maroon that was my son's when he worked in a grocer. I use it on occassion.
Baking - Favorite thing to bake? I don't know that I have a favorite! If I'm baking I'm usually happy. I bake pies, cakes, bread pudding, cookies, cobblers...
Clothesline - Y/N? I don't have a clothesline per se, but I do love the smell of sheets and bed coverings that have dried outside. I like the towels too, but they end up stiff. But yesterday I draped a table skirt over a lawn chair cause I wanted to dry it outside.
Donuts - Ever made them? I have made them a couple of times from biscuit dough.
Everyday - One homemaking thing you do everyday? We make our bed every morning, without fail.
Freezer - Do you have a separate deep freezer? Yes, it's a small one though.
Garbage Disposal - Y/N? No.
Handbook - Y/N? The Bible is my only handbook.
Ironing - Love it or hate it? I don't love or hate it. If I have a TV or some company I enjoy it more. But I definitely like the way things look when ironed. I iron my husband's work shirts, not the t-shirts, just the button down ones as well as mine.
Junk Drawer - Where is it? What actually constitutes a junk drawer? The drawers in my kitchen all pertain to kitchen stuff, so it wouldn't be in there. I have a rather messy drawer in my husband's night stand but it is mostly medicine (i.e. sinus medicine, aspirin, throat lozenges, cold/flu). Maybe the closest thing to a junk drawer would be at my desk as it has more of a variety of items in it.
Kitchen - Design and decorating? I like the Tuscany style but mine doesn't look like that. I guess I just like it clean and the counters not cluttered.
Love - What is your favorite part of homemaking? I really enjoy taking care of my home and family (husband). It was just more enjoyable when I wasn't working though.
Mop - Y/N? Yes definitely.
Nylons - Wash them by hand or in the washer? I can't even remember when I wore any last!
But when I did I washed them in the washer.
Oven - Do you use the window or open it to check? Open it.
Pizza - What do you put on yours? I haven't made pizza since my kids were in junior high, but I like mine cheese, with extra cheese, or onions and bell-peppers, or spinach or Greek specialty pizza.
Quiet - What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? Let's see....quiet time...hmmmm. I guess it would depend on if I thought it was going to last for only a moment or an hour or two. If it was only momentarily I would probably just lay on the bed watching HGTV and just relax.
Recipe card box - Y/N? Well I have about 3 or 4, although they aren't necessarily full. One of them was my moms and one my grandmas. Several years ago I decided to put all my favorite recipes into a binder and I could type them several to a page rather than hand-write on a card, that way I didn't have to search through several different books looking for the recipe I used. So I use it regularly. The others are for when I'm looking for something different to cook.
Style of house - It's a 10,000+ sq ft home in a "Gone With the Wind" plantation style.
Tablecloths and napkins - Y/N? I have both, but usually use paper towels.
Under the kitchen sink - Cleaning products.
Vacuum - How many times a week? I vacumned yesterday so that's once this week. But I still have to do the upstairs.
Wash - How many loads do you do a week? I guess a normal week would be about 5 or 6.
X'es - Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? Are you kidding, at my age if I don't write it down I will NOT remember!!! But I love crossing them off.
Yard - Who does what? As I've mentioned before we mow several acres, so the mowing is shared between my oldest son and me. Although Jim helps out on occassion.
ZZZ's - What is your last homemaking task for the day? I like my kitchen to be cleaned because the last thing I want facing me first in the morning is a sink full of dirty dishes and cluttered counter tops.
If you decide to participate please leave a comment and I will read yours.