Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Something to Ponder

I have a wonderful christian lady in Florida whom we met when we traveled and sang gospel music. And for several years now she has sent me her "Morning Thoughts" daily. Today I want to share it with you.

What a better place it would be if everyone prayed "Lord God, let me be of some use to some person today" and then did something for someone else.

Ecclesiastes 9:10
"Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your might.'

There are many things our heart finds to do that will never get done; of course, we would like to do many things for God, but we must be content in doing only what is possible. We have only so much time on this earth.

One good deed is worth more than a thousand words, so let's not wait for large opportunities, rather let's do whatever can be done in one day, and do it day by day.

We have no other time; the past is gone, the future has not arrived (and may never arrive) only the present is ours.

Do not wait for some marvelous opportunity to do great things for God -- do whatever you can today -- to help somebody, to show them God's love.

If our first thought in the morning is what we can do for self today, we have a problem. Rather, let's keep this thought in our mind as we begin this day;

Lord God, let me be of some use to some person today.

And whatever you find to do, do it with all your heart and soul, as if for God; because, ultimately, it IS for Him!

Today's Scripture reading says do it with all your might, From where comes your might? Surely not from yourself -- it lies in the Lord God. Then let us seek His help; let us tackle this day with prayer and faith and when we have done what our "hand finds to do" we can pillow our head tonight, knowing we've done all we can do (for this one day). Tomorrow's not ours.

Something to ponder.

1 comment:

Girl Raised in the South said...

Great thoughts - great post. Thank you for sharing. Certainly food for thought.