It is 8:00 Christmas morning and I've been up since 5:30 am. I am the only one up so far.
It has been raining most of the night. They were calling for a possibility of snow mixed with rain later today. It's pretty wet so it probably won't stick.
This morning I have boiled two chickens for my MIL to make dressing with. I've washed a load of clothes, made a pitcher of sweet tea, a pot of coffee, ate a bowl of cereal, and read some blogs.
Now I'm anxiously waiting for Kyle to call me from Georgia after they have opened their gifts. My granddaughter is only 20 months old so she doesn't know to be excited and wake up early yet.
I'm really anxious for my almost 4-year-old grandson Ethan to arrive too. He should be arriving about 3-3:30. It's been a little over a month since I have seen him and then it was only for about an hour.
We aren't actually having our Christmas celebration until Tuesday. Since Ethan won't be here until later this afternoon and Lisa and Danny can't be here until about 10:00 tonight. We decided we would have ours tomorrow morning.
But things will be going on around here all day. I've got some pies to make still. Lisa and Danny will be here about 12:00 to open gifts with Lonny (he has to work tomorrow). Then they have to be at his folks at 1:00 for a birthday celebration for Danny's mom, before they do Christmas tonight. They always have a separate celebration for her birthday and Christmas because they are both today. Danny's brother will be flying in this afternoon.
Then Ethan will be arriving a little later on. And from that point on our quiet little corner of the world will be in a whirlwind! And I.can't.wait!
So for now I'm just waiting on things to start happening. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
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