Friday, January 26, 2007

God knows how...

I wanted to share this devotion that was sent to me today.

"God knows how to save those who serve Him..." 2 Peter 2:9

I stand a few feet from a mirror and see the face of one who has failed my Maker -- again. I promised I wouldn't, but I did.

I drove past that corner and ignored the one saying he would work for food....

I let pass that opportunity to speak to one about their soul...

I spent more time today on myself than on others....

I was quiet when I should have spoken up....

I took a seat when I should have taken a stand....

If this were the first time, it would be different. But it isn't. How many times can I fall and expect to be caught?

My eyes look in the mirror and see a sinner, a failure, a promise-breaker. But by faith I look into the mirror and see a robed prodigal bearing the ring of grace on my finger and the kiss of the Father on my face...

My eyes see my faults, my faith sees my Savior.

My eyes see my guilt, my faith sees His blood.

Something to ponder today.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Definitely something to ponder. Thank you, Cheryl. What a great devotional.